Coffee addicts anonymous

Hello, I’m mom-sanity and I’m addicted to coffee. I have it under control, though. I tell myself I can quit whenever I want. I just don’t want to!

It’s been two days without coffee. Well until this morning. In a moment of weakness I downed a giant cup of Joe. It warmed my soul, but it sent me spiraling. It’s been 4 hours and I should probably consult a doctor because I feel like the whole world is moving faster than I can. My brain is yelling that somethings wrong because I can’t keep up. Every emotion I’ve felt since I was a child has high fived me in the face. I’m hungry, but I can’t think of one single thing I want to eat. As I’m typing this I realized my shirt was on backwards. Speed dressing is also a side effect of caffeine apparently.

My two year old is napping. So I’m caught between wanting to rest, and wanting to do all the things. By rest I mean stare at a wall and regret all the things I’m not doing, while I ride out this coffee overdose. Every moment I spend deciding what to do is speeding towards the end of his nap like driving towards a brick wall. Despite this out of control caffeine high, I literally want nothing but more coffee… but then again, I don’t.

My fingers are shaking like I’m stuck in jazz hand mode. My heart is beating too fast for my breathing. My systems feel out of sync. All the colors are bright, and my stomach is nauseous. I’ve never done drugs, but I can’t imagine it could be much different.

Ok maybe I don’t have it under control…

Photo credit: jtylernix

Mom-sanity mix up

Mom-sanity is still slowly working towards internet domination, most unsuccessfully so. For those of you who are not yet aware I have started a new blog from my bible study notes. This is something I’ve been feeling led to share, but I already despise how choatic this blog has become. So I decided to make it, it’s own thing. This blog is pretty much a true reflection of me, running this way and that, unable to make up my mind, baring my soul and loathing myself for run on’s like this one.

Only 3 days into this new bible study blog and I’ve already mixed up my platforms. I posted a bible study post here… Opps! Once you read this it will already be deleted and reposted in the proper place. I’ve been wanting to post on here so my followers don’t think I’ve abandoned them for this new page. I think that got stuck in my subconscious, and toddler screams, hormones, and lack of caffeine sent me into autopilot.

If you are interested in this new blog here’s a link to the deleted post

If you like reading the chaos that made me choose a name like mom-sanity then hang tight. I promise I won’t let you down. There will be more posts here in the future.

Also if you’ve been wondering about my youtube channels… I haven’t given up on them either. I’ve been editing a Jessy Walker video for a few weeks now. The more I learn about filming and editing the more of a monster these projects become. My mom-sanity channel is still on hold until I can find time and content. I’m knee deep in homeschooling and already changing gears. That first year was definitely the easiest. I don’t want to make a video about this years homeschooling if it doesn’t hold true by the end of the year.

Thanks for sticking with me and following me, where ever you may follow me. Unless it’s in real life, then stop it! That’s creepy!

The eye of the storm

I should be panicked, like a chicken with its head cut off, running with no hope of saving myself. Oddly though, I have peace. Not like deathbed peace, more like eye of the storm peace. It’s eerie, but a voice in my head keeps saying you’ve made it this far you can make it through. Fear reminds me I don’t really have a choice but to face what the future holds.

The ups and downs of life have taught me that, this is what life is. I could say something cheesy like, the mountain tops don’t seem as high if you can’t look back down at the valleys. However that’s not exactly how I feel. I think it’s true, but it’s an icky truth. Instead I remind myself the ups and downs are what make up a persons life. No one only lives their life on the mountain top of happy moments. People make it through the tough times and I will too. Most of the time you have no control over the tough times. Stress is just like flushing a clogged toilet until it over flows. It does nothing but cause the turd to rise higher. We build the bad things up in our minds and prioritize them over everything else when we stress. For what?

I’m just trying to enjoy the eye of the storm while I have the calm. I don’t delude myself into thinking all the bad stuff will magically disappear. I just know a warrior is stronger when they are rested.

Reader, I hope you are well and standing strong too. You are in my prayers. We can make it through these hard times. I just know it 💗

Teachers pet all grown up

What happens to teachers pets when they grow up, get married have a kid, start a blog and then a whole social media platform? Oh should I makes this less about me?

The truth is being a teachers pet isn’t a bad thing. The years I was in public school, I was scared into being shy; not by bully’s (although I think everyone had at least one of those in their life).

I was different, and suddenly realizing what it meant to not have a mom or dad in my life. Even others who weren’t raised by their parents were being raised by grandparents, which was an acceptable norm. I was raised by my aunt and uncle. Every time a teacher referred to our parents, in my mind I had to say “oh my aunt”. People always had questions about why I didn’t live with my mom and dad, but it was a complicated answer that wasn’t school appropriate.

I was also a minority. Well sort of… I grew up in a primarily Hispanic and Black area. I’m half Mexican, but I didn’t look it. I didn’t speak Spanish so I wasn’t ‘Mexican enough’ for them. There were only 5 other white girls in my school that I can remember (and I didn’t go to school with them all in the same year) They had it worse than me. One with an abusive step dad and trying desperately to hide it. Most of them dirt poor and falling into the arms of any boy who would give them attention. A few Black kids accepted me part time, as if I was a novelty. I was accepted but definitely didn’t ‘fit in’.

We lived in a low income area so no kid was really happy, but at least they had their group’s of friends. I on the other hand was the odd ball and going though big time issues. Teachers loved me and encouraged me. Never the cool teachers that all the bad kids clung too, but there was a teacher for everyone. I think sometimes we forget that teachers are more than just educators. They bond with their students and help them through big things that parents don’t even know about.

Being a teachers pet gave me sense of pride. I was recognized. When I couldn’t fit in with my peers, I could earn recognition. After my back surgery, I started homeschooling. So I jumped into being the youth pastors pet.

I grew up and things turned a bit unheathy (at no fault of the teachers and pastors, I needed it in that time of my life). I grew up and learned to make friends, I learned to embrace the things that made me different. I even learned that I wasn’t really that different after all, but I still craved that recognition. I grew up wanting to earn the worlds attention. I turned every goal, hobby, and ambition into an opportunity for recognition. I still played by the good teachers pet rules, you don’t point out your accomplishments, you just sit and wait to be noticed. The things is, if you’re not noticed it means it wasn’t good enough. Your just a big F word! No, not that F word! The other one… failure! And boy does living like that set you up for it.

I was playing a game no one else was in on… It’s kind of pathetic, but the thing is I’ve gone most of my life not realizing it. Kind of like my own personal game of Jumanji. Every missed opportunity for recognition left me feeling empty and every recognition pushed me up to an unsustainable high, and of course ended in a plummet back down to earth. The grown up teachers pet can so easily turn into the people pleaser. Anything to get that much needed approval right?

Eh, I went another route. The know it all. Oh yeah for years it all went to my head. Eventually though, the know it all isolates themselves. So I out grew that, and just floundered with all the grounded people. They weren’t floundering, it was just me not wanting to be normal. The idea of fitting in was now appalling. Who would recognize me if I blended in? I even tried to be Gods pet. I know laughable! That was really hard to strive for when the Bible is clear that God is no respecter of persons, and loves all His children the same.

As a recovering teachers pet, I have to remind myself to do things because I want to, and that the reward is enjoying it. I have to tell myself it’s ok to go unnoticed. My love is enough for me. It’s ok to be equal, it’s even ok to be less. There is not scale for humanity, no trophy or ticket for the prize box. Be you and be ok with that.

Oh the injustice

I was hurting, and hoping for one of those special “God moments”. So I turned to my Bible. Before opening it I prayed, “Oh Jesus direct me to a word to heal my hurt. Show me scripture of what you think about me.” I know this probably sounds absurd to many of you, but you see just the other day I was overcome with sadness. I felt so insecure and unworthy. I started to believe I was deserving of my sadness. A small whisper in my heart said to turn on the radio. Before I could even do it, the lyrics,” I believe what you say of me” played in my mind. I couldn’t quite place the song, but the second the radio came on Laura Daingle’s song ‘You Say’ started playing. I recognized the lyrics and knew instantly the Lord wanted me to hear this. So here I was trying to milk another compliment out of God. Yeah, it doesn’t work that way… I was reminded of this when I opened my Bible to Matthew 20.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, its a parable Jesus gave. It talks about a vineyard owner hiring men to work in his field. The first group of guys agree to a full days work for a denarius. Throughout the day the owner goes around hiring anyone without work, up until the last hour of the work day. At the end of the day everyone gathers around for their payment. The owner pays them in order of last hired, or rather shortest time worked. He starts handing out a denarius to each of the workers. The original group of workers see this, and of course assume it means they will be getting a pay raise. Well I’m sure you can imagine their shock when they too received a single denarius. I mean talk about injustice! They work all day only to be paid the same amount as the guys who only worked for an hour?! Its like when you realize that lazy employee you work with is making the same amount as you. It’s not fair! It’s degrading. Isn’t your hard work and time worth more? They of course speak up saying, “These last men have worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the scorching heat of the day.” Today we would applaud these men for standing up for their rights. Even though I know this story, I can’t help but nod my head in favor of the poor hard working made up men. I relate and sympathize with them. The moral of this parable is found in the owners response, “Friends I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for a deniarus? Take what is yours and go, but I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with what I own? Or is your eye envious because I am generous”

These guys were content to work this field for a denarius, and that was without knowing all the help they would receive throughout the day. So technically they did less work then they were expecting, and still made the same amount of money. They couldn’t see that though, because they became focused on what everyone else was getting. Suddenly the worth of their work was diminished by the worth of others. They felt entitled to more than what they agreed upon and expected the owner to do what they wanted with his money.

How often do we let others determine our worth? We take our eyes off our calling and blessing and begin sizing it up with everyone else around us. We begin to feel like what we are and have isn’t enough. We can feel entitled to their blessings. In our minds they can become collateral damage on our path to self appointed self worth. We begrudge God for blessing others. What a blessing this payment was to these men without work! If we view this story as a testamony for the guy hired last, its a beautiful story of God providing. You wouldn’t even give a second thought to the the first group of guys hired. I know the meaning of this parable is to explain that you can live your whole life being good and following after God, and the next person could live a terrible life and give their life to the Lord and still get the same heavenly reward as you. But for me today, it was a polite way for the Lord to say, stay in your lane. Stay focused on where you’re going, don’t be distracted by everyone around you. What they are doing doesn’t diminish what you are doing. It wasn’t quite the compliment I was hoping for, but it was the denarius I needed.

The truth about Mother’s day

Very few things make me stop and blog about it (as you can probably tell from how few blogs I post). But today I want to talk about Mothers Day. This is another one of those things social media has given us a skewed perception of. But really, even before social media; Tv was probably the first to overly glamorize this holiday and leave most us feeling like we missed out. Or who knows? Maybe it was the newspapers before television. I’m not sure when it happened or what the origins of Mother’s Day are (despite really wanting to it look up now…) but Mother’s Day has become the day mothers expect to be queen for the day, and showered with lavish gifts, and pampering. Even Amazon’s Mother’s Day gift guide was primarily filled with gifts over $100.

Now let’s get this out of the way… I’m not saying there is anything wrong with expensive gifts, pampering, and social media worthy celebrations. The truth that needs to be addressed though, is most woman don’t get this sort of holiday. The more woman I talk to, I realize I’m not the only one who didn’t get a Kim Kardashian flower wall, or even woke up to breakfast in bed. Many mothers all across the country (now I’m questioning wether Mother’s Day is national or global, but I’ll continue to blog and suppress the desire to research it) woke up to a simple happy mother’s day and a card. I’m not here to say you don’t deserve more. I’m here to say let’s change our perspective. We can’t control others, we can’t make them worship the ground we walk on. A big step in the direction of happiness is contentment. For years I’ve felt like contentment was the off brand version of happiness that had a sad after taste. Actually contentment not letting your circumstances determine your emotions. If we can stop focusing on everything we didn’t get or don’t have, we won’t have as much to feel like we missed out on. I’m not talking about lowering your standards. I’m saying stop letting everyone else set your standards.

But while we are on the subject of standards… Let’s A. remember we can’t control anyone else or make them do anything, no matter how much we feel we deserve it, and B. lets be careful to not confuse expectations with standards. Standards are those non-negotiables. We never like when expectations are put on us, but somehow we forget that when put our expectations on others. Feeling like something is expected of you robs the joy you feel when doing it. Not only can our expectations hurt others, but they set others up to fail you, even if they don’t mean to.

I guess I got a little off topic there though. When I get ranty it’s typically because its something I need to hear… The reason I came on here was to let you in on a little secret. Not everyone is having a hallmark Mother’s Day, and it’s ok if you’re not either. You aren’t alone, and it doesn’t mean you are worth less than anyone who does. Bigger celebrations and bigger gifts don’t equal more love. I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s day no matter how it looks, and a wonderful day after that, and day after that, and so on. Because one day doesn’t define motherhood.

Is this really happening?

If I hear Covid 19 or Coronavirus one more time I’m going to scream! It’s all over social media and the news. Not only am I stuck at home, but I’m constantly being reminded why.

Most people are afraid of this deadly virus, but I find myself sick at the thought of how long this could go on. It feels like society is crashing down. What will the world look like coming out of this? I literally can’t think about. It feels like an era has ended and everything I’ve known will be left behind.

I’m craving community and for some reason it makes me feel guilty. I’m not ok with this quarantine, but that feels selfish. I want to call my friends and plan secret illegal hangouts. How do I live in a time where hanging out with friends is illegal?!

I’m going to honest, I don’t know where I stand in all of this. It scares me that our government has this much power. That for the “greater good” they can shutdown EVERYTHING. What if the “greater good” wanted to halt our lives for other reasons? Is this a test on how the American people will react to over reaching? I don’t know!

What if this is as scary as they make it out to be and I only feel the way I do out of inconvenience? It’s easy to be annoyed when you’re not sick with the virus. What if my toddler caught it? Would I still be as confident in the survival rates then? I don’t know.

I really just don’t know anything other than I’m scared and tired being stuck at home. My husband is out of work. We rent. The possibility of losing our home is real. Then what do we do? We have no where to go and no income. How can our government allow this? How can they shutdown and cost people jobs and pretend to help? They said people can’t be evicted… That’s only true for HUD. They said you can apply for unemployment… My husband is a self employed contractor, no unemployment for us. They said they would send checks… I guess that’s not happening now. And as scary as this is for us, what about servers? Most of them live paycheck to paycheck. The truth is many industry’s are out of work.

I just keep putting my trust in God. So far I haven’t been without a single thing. I can honestly say I haven’t even been without toilet paper. Plenty of people would call that blessed these days. I haven’t had to stock pile food or go without. Things feel somewhat strangely normal for the world to be flipped on its head. My fears are screaming, but my God is working. The armies of heaven aren’t quarantined. These shutdowns may have surprised me, but they didn’t surprise God.

It ain’t easy but its just getting started

This year I’ve felt like my schedule is a giant teeter totter, and I’m trying to balance it all by myself. I find myself jumping from side to side in an attempt to balance everything, but for everything that goes up, something else goes down.

Surely I’m not the only one striving to make 2020 better that 2019, and running smack into why 2019 was the year that it was. New years fills us with so much hope, but not very much practicality.

Sitting in the puddle of my shortcomings has made me wonder the meaning of it all. (I love the book of Ecclesiastes, can you tell?) What’s my reason? What will my goals accomplish in my life? Who will be changed by it? What has to fall off to make room for this goal?

Sometimes I think we pick up goals like we are shopping at Target, filling out basket with expensive things we never knew we wanted. And yes goals can be expensive, some cost actual money and others cost our precious time and energy.

During this time we also get pressured by all the other resolutionist to add some their goals to our basket too. Everyone is dieting, working out, fasting, reading, going and joining things and they would love nothing more than to have us come along. I’m guilty of it too. I always love dragging people along with me, but I’m not as much of a fan of being on the other side of that.

So I find myself at the resolution crossroads already. How will I make this year better? Are my goals worth the cost? I can’t give you a definite answer yet. I think they are, but they’re still so shiny and new. Maybe when the excitement of it all wears off, I’ll feel differently.

I made a promise to myself this year wasn’t about accomplishing or failing, it’s about trying. That’s what’s keeping me going. The worth of my year isn’t dependent on a number of days I can achieve something, but being proud of my effort. Trying isn’t an excuse to give up. The standard is my best. It’s not always easy, especially when it comes to accepting said short comings. I write this, not as an inspiration to you, but as an encouragement to myself. I hope if you take anything from this mess of thoughts, it’s to encourage yourself. Remind yourself why you are working towards your goals and be kind to yourself if it doesn’t play out how you had imagined. Be proud of your work, not your outcome.

New year, same me

Once again my blog has been neglected. Guess what one of my news years resolutions is? If you guessed “keep up with my blog” then come on down you are a winner!

For years I stopped making resolutions. Pushing myself into doing things because it’s that time of year is a silly thing to do. I feel pressured to come up with things to make me a better person. The problem is, my goals are typically the things I envy in others. Foolishly I don’t consider the circumstances which make them able to do such things. I want to hold on to all of my good habits and things that make me special, and pile on a few of other peoples habits and things that make them special.

New year or not, everyday will still only come with 24 hours. If you struggled with what was on your plate last year, adding more probably isn’t the answer to success.

I don’t know about you, but most of the time I forget I’m human. I don’t think I have limitations until I run into them face first. I believe the lie that I’m not good enough. My resolutions become a list of things that will make me into who I think I should be.

My resolutions aren’t things that will make my life easier or more enjoyable, they are time consuming and difficult. I strive to look like the perfect instagram mom without considering she has a filter, and a professional photographer, and maybe even a cleaning lady. Her story tells me her accomplishments, but not the sacrifices she made or her short comings. In contrast I look at my sacrifices and short comings, and leave out my own accomplishments.

Failed resolutions become my excuse to blame myself for the short comings of the year. Sometimes I’m not to blame, sometimes that’s just life.

If you feel like someone has the perfect life then I promise you, you’re not seeing the whole picture. And if you think your resolutions will lead you to a perfect year, you’re really delusional.